Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

MARION, CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, A DEC. 19, 1935 FIRST AND BEST- AS USUAL COMEBACK PARADE IS HEADED BY BRADDOCK HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP CLOSELY PRESSED BY HELEN WILLS MOODY NEW YORK, 'Dec. greatest comebacks in athletic distinction of finishing at surprising development in the annual Associated Press sports disclosed by today's tabulation, not that Braddock is rated of the year's biggest comeback that he was given a remarkably close race Helen Wills tennis queen, in the ballots sports editors and writers throughout the country. Braddock won on points by not much greater than which enabled him to lift the heavyweight boxing championship Max Baer last June. count was 180 points Braddock and 171 for Mrs.

already voted the No. 1 woman performer of the year. Points were scored a with the experts listing comeback choices in the their preference. Braddock the top of 46 lists, while Bloody was ranked No. 1 by 31 servers.

relief roll in New Jersey, Braddock Rated a fistic has and on within a year fought his way the obscurity of a preliminary "trial horse" to the heavyweight Mrs. Moody's comeback was because it followed two absence from tournament competidating from her default Jacobs at Forest Hills. that she was arrayed against Jacobs in the Wimbledon applied the perfect dramatic Two comebacks which received surprisingly small vote were Thomas Hitchco*ck, in Charley Gelbert, St. Louis dinals' infielder. Injuries thought to have wrecked the careers both.

SPORTS MIRROR 43 (By: The Associated Press) Today a Year Ago Sam Byrd, Yankee outfielder, sold to Cincinnati Reds for reported $20,000: Three Years Ago Gene Sarazen named "greatest U. S. athletic performer of 1932" in Associated Press poll. Five Years Ago Ernie Schaaf won ten round decision over Max Baer. MARION AMATEUR BOXERS MEET KOKOMO TONIGHT Amateur Marion boxers swing into action for the first time this year tonight.

A 12-man team' under sponsorship of the Central Trades Council will leave the Labor Temple today at 5 p. m. bound for Kokomo, where the Howard county boys will be met at. the Kokomo armory. The bouts begin at 7 p.m.

LAST NIGHT'S FIGHTS SAN FRANCISCO Phil Brubaker, 192, Dinuba, decisioned Joe Bauer, Cleveland, A 10 rounds. HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Manual (Indianapolis), 18; St. Paul, 12. L. Franklin, 29; Cathedral- (Indianapolis), 27; overtime.

Frankfort, 44; Lebanon, 17. McCordsville, 23; Beech Grove, 21." Lapel, 34; Royal Center, 11. St. Mary's 50; Summitville, 19. Delphi, 21; Flora, 18.

ALAN GOULD marked by a succession of history, James J. Braddock enjoys of the class for 1935. The most thithead GROVE LEADS LOOP HURLERS A 4 CHICAGO, Dec. (AP) -Robert Moses Grove, the $125,000 Boston "lemon" .1934, was the sweetest peach of the American League pitching crop in 1935. Baseball experts, who said the great southpaw was all washed up last year when his buggy whip left ached with pain every time he tried to use it, probably will blink their eyes today as they gaze at the official pitching 'for 1935.

Topping all from the standpoint of earned run averages is the same Lefty Grove. Grove, who ranked 63rd among 65 American League pitchers a year ago, won 20 games, lost 12 and turned in an official earned run average of 2.10, or .32 ahead of his closest rival, Ted Lyons of the White Sox. In 273 innings pitched, only: 82 runs were scored Grove's southpaw slants. In '34, he won only eight games and had an earned run average of 6.52. The stove league can argue over the winner of the all-around pitching championship between Groves, Wesley Ferrell, who won 25 games, and Elden Auker of Detroit, who led in winning percentage with a record of 18 victories and 7.

defeats for a 1720 mark. Sandwiched among them are other big winners like Mel Harder of Cleveland, who won 22 and lost 11; Tommy Bridges Detroit, winner of 21 and loser of 10, and Schoolboy Rowe of the Tigers who won 19 and lost 13 after a start. Vernon "Lefty" Gomez New York, 1934. champion with 26- victories and five defeats, won 12 and lost 15 games last season but was well up the earned run list with an average of 3.15. Bridges was the strikeout king with 163 victims and Rowe second with 140.

R. W. KLARE TO RESIGN WABASH, Dec. W. Klare, manager of the local office of Northern Indiana Co.

for the past 32 years, will resign as district manager Jan. 1, according to announcement made by the company. A RITES ARE HELD WABASH, Dec. services were held this aftern son for John Smeltzer, seventy-eight, who died at his home near Lafontaine. Burial was in the I.

0. 0. F. cemetery. There are no near immediate relatives surviving.

COMPLETE HOLIDAY PLANS HARTFORD CITY, Dec. 19. -The Elks lodge at a meeting last night completed plans for the will send baskets of food, Christmas cheer, work. The lodge clothing and toys to the needy. Yield of a western apple orchard was increased from 1400 bushels to 6000, after hives of bees were placed near the trees.

The bees carried the pollen from blossom to blossom. A GIFTS 5 He Will Like! 3 Our stocks are still quite complete and we can show you a wonderful selection of gifts suitable for men at almost any price you care to pay. TIES 55c and $1.00 SHIRTS $1.00 to $1.95 SOX 25c to 35c SWEATERS $1.95 to $3.95 Leather Jackets $4.95 to $8.50 MUFFLERS $1.00 Dave Shiff Co. East Side Square U. B.

QUINTETS CLASH TONIGHT One game will be played tonight in the Church Basketball League at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium, First U.

B. and Christy U. B. taking the floor at 7 p. m.

Four encounters were played in the loop last night at the Y. Swayzee U. B. bested Home Park M. 24 to 16, while Congregational's strong quintet blanketed First U.

B. 37 to 6. Other games were. won by the Second Friends A team which downed First M. 24 to 14, and First U.

B. reserves won from the Second Friends' squad, 17 to 12. Play in all divisions of the church league will continue through the Christmas holidays, Jack Moore, loop president, announced today. Marking 'Em Up By MILLER Study of the vital statistics compiled by the North Central ence brings to light the fact that a Marion player leads the Big Ten in scoring at the present time. His name? Charles Shodlouski, rangy center, who occupies the pivot post on Orville Hooker's machine after Don McFarland does the jumping on tipoffs.

Shod has rung up 11 baskets and 8 foul tosses in three conference contests to date for a total of 30 points. His closest rival, oddly enough, is. former protege of Hooker's, Marvie Huffman, Newcastle center, has amassed 28 points in a like number of games. McCreary, Frankfort's veteran forward, holds down third place in the Big Ten point column with 25 markers. Another Giant, Capt.

Harry Thomas, occupies the sixth rung on the scoring ladder with 20 points. football honor has been heaped on the rugged shoulders of Bobby Grayson, Stanford's. All-American fullback. Grayson recently receivformal notification from Christy Walsh, chairman of the All-America: football board, that he has been chosen captain of the 1935 All-America eleven. The Indian fullback will get temporary possession of the huge silver loving cup awarded annually to the leader of the mythical aggregation.

Thus the trophy to Stanford after ear's absence. Bill Corbus, Stanford's AllAll- guard of two years ago, won the prize in '33 while Jay Berwanger" of voted the massive award AllAmerica board," composed" of mer Layden of Notre Dame, Frank Thomas of ElPop Warner of Temple, and Harding Jones of Southern: California, will select the outstanding captain from the 1935-39 group, and award that player permanent posses- sion of the Five North Central Conference basketball games are booked for this weekend. On Friday niglit, Logansport plays Muncie, Newcastle goes to Richmond, Kokomo invades Jefferson of Lafayette and the play at. Anderson. One tilt is scheduled for Saturday, Frankfort treking to Technical of Indianapolis.

At present therc are four unbeaten fives in the loop. Three of them, Marion, Newcastle and I'rank-. fort, have won three games, while one team, Jeff of Lafayette, has won but two tilts. We find Kokomo in third position with a .500 percent rating gained by beating Tech and to Marion. Muncie's once Bearcats seem a bit out of place in fifth place with a record of one game won A against two lost.

Richmond, Tech and Logansport are joint owners of the next three rungs on the ranking ladder with two setbacks and no triumphs while the state from Anderson glumly survey the rest conference from the depths 'of the callar. 41 Jack Kasley, Western Conference and intercollegiate breaststroke champion, swimming the new "butterfly" stroke, bettered the American short course record for the 100 yards by a full second in an Olympic benefit meet recently held in Ann Arbor by the University of Michigan. was clocked in 1:03.5. The recognized record the distance for the short course is 1:04.5, set by John Higgins of Olneyville, R. and was accepted at recent national meeting of the 'A.

A. U. The Wolverine: star also swam the 100 meter breaststroke in 1:10. The event is recognized in the United States, but; Cartonnet, a French narrator, holds the European mark of 1:24.4. Incidentally Michigan, which has won the last three national collegiate swimming meets, boasts of the slogan, "Michigan, Brittainnia, rules the waves." From Madison, we learn that William T.

Evjue, editor of the Madison Capital Times, has asked the university's president, Dr. Glenn Frank, to call a conference of the Big Ten presidents to consider needed reforms in? intercollegiate athletics. Among the proposals put forward by Evjue were the following: (1) Limit football budgets and coaching staff salaries. (2) Prohibit intersectional contests and compel conference teams to play each other and teams considered natural rivals. (3) Fix uniform requirements for entry of athletes into universities, with a conference committee to pass on entrance credits.

(4) Regulate scholarships to equalize costs at all schools for athletics. (5) Abolish spring and secret (6) Bar from the sidelines at all football games and leave the conduct of games to players. DID YOU KNOW THAT bash high has not been defeated on its home. floor in basketball since CHAMP SOFTENED BY EASY LIVING BY DAVIS J. WALSH NEW YORK, Dec.

19. (INS)It's naturally nothing out of my lunch box if the boy wants to arrange his own obsequies in advance, but I have become deeply distressed by the appearance of James J. Braddock, who seems to have become heavyweight champion while nobody was noticing. The young drooled into the ring the other night to be introduced during the PaulinoLouis violence, and in one case, an introduction was necessary. Paulino wouldn't believe it was the same prize fighter he had seen three years ago.

The meant in fact, couldn't have weighed than with a handful of balloons. His face was padded with soft cushions of fat, his bosom protruded and there was even a paunch hanging over his neckband. This is the man. who keeps claiming that he's most anxious for engagement with Joe championship September and all I care to contribute is that I wish he'd try something simple and uncomplicated like catching a cannonball thrown from the top of the Washington monument. SCORES Swinging action time until after Jan.

1, the Illinois division of the Owens-Illinois Bowling League will roll four games tonight. The pairings follow: Nite Packers vs. Day Waiters, Forming No. 2 vs. Mold Shop No.

3, Batch and Furnace vs. Office No. 2, and Machine Repair vs. Office No. 3.

Four matches were rolled Wednesday night in the Owens unit of the loop. Day Waiters captured thre in a row from Maintenance No. 1, Forming No. 1. did likewise against Wareshed, Mold Shop No: 2 made "it three straight over Mold No.

1, and Maintenance No. 2 was victorious in two out of three tilts with Office No. 1. Eastes, Forming No. 1's crack pin toppler, took high honors for a single game with 222 total.

fellow worker, Relfe, copped top po-1 sition for the three games with a 524 score. OFFICE. No. 1 MAINTENANCE No. 2 Dean 157 133 176 Hatfeld 133 148 142 Brewer 129 111 150 Herd 109 156 89 Smithson 148 161 187 Hueston '187 157 140 Scott 126 122 139 Rutherfd 125 118 98 146 181 142 Soames 95 105 A Blind 123.

Handicap 83 83. 83 Totals 706 708 794 Totals 760 737 657 FORMING No. Adriansn 131 117 168 Coppock 136 170 165 Eastes 124 175 222 West 106 110 136 Clark 158 170 167 Lewis .100 127 144 Hudson 154 141 137 Milspaugh 97 173 186 Relfe 142 189 193 Hickey 131 126 150 68. 68 68 Totals 709 792 887 Totals 638 714 849 Ft MAINTENANCE NO DAY WAITERS Bosworth 174 140 153 Pattison 139 145 120 Shontz 98 139 150 Woods 73 86 85 Draves 120 109 103 Miltsch 133 106 120 Blind 108 108 108 Frank 127 121 140 Blind 117 117 117 Blind 117 117 117 Handical 25 25 25 Totals 642 638 656 Totals 589 575 582 MOLD No. MOLD No.

2 Lewis 160 149 148 Harshmn 166 178 Richards' 138 114 159 Griffin: 138 121 Elston 121 Barclay 138 132 155 Barton 123 129 155 Harter 137 124 McKinney 154 125 112 Huffman 167 164 165 Webb 153,150 Handicap 32 32 32 Totals 733 635 695 Totals 775 780 761 Hi-Way Cafe took two out of three games from Limerick Grill in the feature match of Wednesday night's sesion of the City Bowling League. Other matches saw Coca-Cola win three straight tilts from the Miller Supper club and Kiley Brewery took two out of three from then Home Corner Cigar Store. matches were rolled at the Marion Recreational parlors. Kohr, Limerick Grill pin artist, took high honors for the three games with a. 629 total.

Shilmyer of the Kiley Brewery walked off with laurels for single game high with. a 222 total. HI- WAY. CAFE LIMERICK GRILL Chambers 156 209 168 Coon 149 160 156 Miller 138-170 191 Murrell 137 1418 202 Doyle 179 157 215 Johnsn 135 137 Biddie 142 179 153 Taylor 154 179 McConnel 156 159 165 Piper 160 134 Kohr 208 215 206 Totals 171 874 890 Totals 789 801 880 COCO -COLA MILLER SUPP7R C. Long 185 209 155 Pohl 145 131 Lindabl 177 212 194 Baker 178 167 Moon 174 193 166.

Peck 150 187 A Lindahl 179 186 Peck 187 118 Landrum 142 4 Sloderbek 163 186 185 Needham. 178 210 186 Baugher 123 188 Yoder 174: 151 160 Totals 856 1003 887 Totals 810 778 818 KILEY BREW co. HOME CORNER CIG Irvin 155 173 181 Haines 170 154 167 Vandemak 129 183 22 Hallahan 167. 181 183 Dean 151 164 140 Conners 133 Shildmyr 149 169 222 Snyder 127 172. Nash 191 192 219 Erwin: 190 167 205 Johnsn 152 165 178 Totals 995 881 985 Totals 808 839 866 The standings.

of the teams are as follows: Team. W. L. Pet. Limerick Grill 24 12 .667 Kiley Brewery 22 14 .611 Hi-Way Cafe.

22 14 .611 Home Corner Cigar 20 16.1.556 Coca-Cola. 13 23 .361 Miller Supper Club. 29 .194 1933 Helen Jacobs, U. S. W0- men's tennis queen, is spending the winter in England Anderson high school had 232 basketball candidates answer Coach Archie Chadd's opening call this fall, and still the Indians are occupying last place in the North Central every member of the 1935- 36 Purdue basketball team is.

a native Hoosier Bob Zuppke, football coach of the Fighting Illini, considers Art Lewis, giant Ohio U. tackle, to bet the best player at his position the Suckers. faced all season Fritz Humbert, Owens-Illi- nois athletic, director, played regular fullback on the $27 '28 Illini elevents. which won the Western Conference football title two years running. Judd: Timm, Doug Mills and Frank Walker were his running in the Illinois secondary.

MARION JUNIOR QUINTETS WIN Both Martin Boots and McCulloch flashed impressive form at Memorial Coliseum Wednesday night to sweep both ends of a twin bill. McCulloch won its third straight contest of the season by doubling the score on Jonesboro, 32 to 16, while Martin Boots swamped Alexandria, 33 to 14, in the nightcap. Pettiford, colored floorguard, led the South Marion cagers to victory over the Zebra colts. He rang four fielders to tie with Dailey, Jonesboro for high honors. Bunch," veteran forward, paved the way for Martin Boots' triumph with four field goals and one free throw.

3 Neither McCulloch nor Martin Boots plays again until after the holidays, Hugh Vandivier, junior high schools principal, announced today. Between halves and games the Martin Rooters and McCulloch girls' volleyball 4: played a threegame series, with the South Marion team winning two of them. Summaries: Stephens 2. 1 Shugart. 1.

McCulloch 32 Fg Ft Pt Jonesboro 16 FE Ft Pf. Koebke 0 2 Reynolds 0 3 Sloderbeck Southworth C.O 0 Pettiford 0 2 Dailey 3 Wiley 0 Keith Cammack 1 Tangheer 0 Wells Reed Hoyt Curston c. 0 0 0 Leonard I Mathias Keith 0 Morrow 2 Galligan Evans 0 0 0 Davis Elliott 0 Totals 15 2 Totals Score by quarters: McCulloch 11 4. 10-32 Jonesboro 4 5 7--10 Officials: Dan Cashman and Ed Flanagan, Marion. Martin 33 FEFt Pr Alexandra 14 FgFt Pf Bunch 0 Johnson 3 4 Libengood 2 2 Schmidt 0 De Boo 1 0 2 Landerdale 0 Lantz 3 Vogel 1.

1 A Simmons Simmons 1 1 Shirley Eriesthoff 0 0 0 Miller 0. Frazier 2 Hawkins 1 0. Baum 0 0 Hillsamer 1 0. 0 1 Vollinholls 0. 0 2 Perkins 0 Johnson 8 Fowler 0 Totals 12 9 12 Totals Score by quarters: Martin Boots 8 -33.

Alexandria 0 7-14 Officials: Ed Flanagan and Dan Cashman, Marion. COLLEGE BASKETBALL Earlham, 26; Southwestern College (Winfield, 23. Wabash, 36; Manchester, 23. TIRE 516-18 S. MARION TAKES FINAL DRILL IN PREPARING FOR ANDERSON GAME Anxious to preserve their perfect North Central Conference basketball record of three victories and no defeats, the Marion high school Giants were to go through a brisk workout this afternoon in final preparation for their first out of town game of the season at Anderson Friday night.

Coach Orville Hooker announced today that 300 tickets for the Anderson game have been received here. They are on sale at Principal John W. Kendall's office at 40c per A large crowd of Marion fans His expected to follow the Giants to the Madison county seat tomorrow night. Fully cognizant of their lack of height, the Purple and Gold warriors continued to work on perfecting their defense in practice. Wednesday afternoon, The Giant mentor recently said that this year's squad, while not possesing the best natural material of the squads he has coached is certainly one: of the smartest.

The Giants realize that they are sadly lacking in stature, but are determined to make up for that shortcoming by building a staunch FACTORY LOOP PLANS 4 GAMES: Final basketball games for 1935 will be played in the Y. M. C. A. Industrial League tonight at Memorial Coliseum, Lyle Agnew, league supervisor, announced today.

Agnew pointed out that because of the Christmas holidays the teams would not swing into action again until after 1: Jan. 1. Four contests will be played night at the Coliseum. Kiley Brewery and Hoosier Pie Plate open session at 7 p. followed the Malleable Iron-Producers' Creamery tilt at 7:50 p.

m. The final two contests of the session bring together Indiana Fibre and Rutenber Electric at 8:40 p. with Hill's Department Store and Deer Creek Dairy battling it out in the nightcap. WRESTLING RESULTS (By I. N.

ANGELES George Calza, champion, defeated Nick Venice, Chief Little and Gino Garidrew. GUARANTEE RUBBER Jive PHILCO and Give WORLD! sports, finest the what you give the leader in And only Philco PHILCO 610B (above) A Spectacular Value at only $44.95 Philco All- Wave Aerial, PHILCO 620F (at right) All the family will enjoy this handsome $70 With Wave Philco Aerial Other Philcos: $20 to $255.00 TRADE IN the the as is hero but the by from final letic basis three of from title. 'able tion, Helen fact Miss of and of Braddock simply has blown up like a football bladder during the last 12 months, probably the result of too many banquets with and on behalf of too many. Chambers of Commerce since coming into the title. It was about this time last year that he weighed around 183 for Art Lasky and, while this was represented as the result of 'not having eaten habitmanually, it's still too far away from the humpty-dumpty who rolled into view the other night.

There must be a weakening process when Braddock begins melting the blubber down to filet mignon next summer and, certainly, the usual six weeks the average heavyweight champion gives himself won't do in this case. If he tries that, he'll probably spend the next six in the nearest hospital. Of that course, I'm all too acutely aware I talked very brightly about hospitals before the Baer fight and it will be a long time before I forget the gallantry and surprising speed of James J. Braddock that ably won't do, you won't evening. But this time, speed probhave It's a great help in some cases, but the man never lived who can outrun a bullet.

TAYLOR MEETS STRONG TEAM UPLAND, Dec. 19. Pupil meets teacher here tonight when Coach Bill Crawford leads his Taylor. University cagers into action against the fast-stepping Southwestern college five of Winfield, Kan. Crawford, who graduated from Southwestern in 1928, got his first taste of big time basketball under Bill Monypeny, the Builders' veteran pilot.

The game starts at 8 p. m. Crawford has been pointing his charges for this game since the season got under way five weeks ago. Yeater, a freshman from New Paris, has been showing up. well in practice sessions this week one of the a forwaed posts tonight, and probably will, get the call at Work on block plays, out-of-bounds formations and foul shooting have been emphasized by the Purple and Gold mentor in workouts this.

week. Southwestern dropped the opening game of its three-game tour through Indiana to the powerful Earlham five Wednesday night, 26 to 23, after holding a 19-to 11 lead with but ten minutes to play in the last half. 1. The a visitors impressed everyone who them in action against the Quakers with their accurate passing and smooth ball handling. The Jay Hawkers play DePauw at Greencastle tomorrow night in the closing battle of their three game trip." 5 Ten lettermen form the nucleus of this season's Southwestern team.

The Builders are defending their share of Central, Conference basketball title, crown 'held jointly by' Southwestern and Pittsburg Teachers' College. Southwestern does not play football and as a result it is several strides ahead of most of the fives on its schedule who do participate. in the autumn pastime. The Purple basketeers are led by Gerald Caywood, all-state forward last year. Caywood, was picked from a large crack players including the University of Kansas at Lawrence, long ranked as one of the outstanding basketball schools in the country.

He stands six feet, two inches tall, is a dead shot and one of the best defensive players in the Missouri valley. His running mate, Joe Urban, topped the conference in scoring during 1934-35 and bids fair to repeat this season. Although very small, Urban is extremely fast, is an excellent dribbler and hit baskets from any part of the floor. Earl Byran, forward, and Bill Porter, guard, are of the Builder quintet and together with John Yergler, rugged senior guard, round out the first five. L.

B. Moore and Lyle Agnew, both of Marion, will officiate tonight. Probable starting lineups: Taylor Southwestern Miller Yeater Byran Warfield Urban Sturat Porter Wingate Yergler SPORTS ROUND -UP r': By BOB CAVAGNARO NEW YORK, Dec. 19. (AP) Johnny Roosma, who starred on the Passaic, N.

high school basketball "wonder tea team" of 13 years ago and was court sensation at the S. Military. Academy, is in command of the guard at the sentry gate which admits you to the West Point reservation Steve Hames, the fighter, also played on the crack schoolboy team. Detroit be the country's city, holding the world's baseball and pro football titles, the championship via Gar Wood and his Miss Americas, and the "uncrowned" heavyweight monarch in Joe Louis. The Chicago Bears, weren't contenders in pro grid, title play-off game, but the Bears: can find some solace in the distinction they gained an average of: 288 yards per game in 12 The Boston Redskins constituted, the strongest defensive Holding their opponents to 1,982 yards in 11 contests.

Gene Lillard, Pacific past League home run king signed by the Cubs for 1936, probably go the idea from the reception that greeted his first homer as a Wichita player. in 1932 The prize was $100 in merchandise, and since then Gene hasn't bothered much about singles He tries for the fences. defense capable of standing up under the hardest sort of offensive pressure. Condition of Capt. Harry Thomas' injured left leg remains about the same today, Hooker said.

It is doubtful if the slender, floorguard will be able to travel the full route against the Chaddmen. Although Hooker possesses capable substitutes in Maggart and Odom neither of these men have the dynamic driving force marks the play of the Marion captain. Thomas has averaged seven points per game in the three Big Ten encounters played by the Hookermen and even his loss for part of. the game would be 'a big blow to the team. BADGER BOARD PROBES ISSUE MADISON, Dec.

19. (INS) -The University of Wisconsin board of regents today will take its turn: at the school's athletic' jigsaw puzzle, periodically put together and then re-muddled. The various pieces of the jig-saw were presented before the faculty? athletic committee for the last time yesterday, when Dr. Walter Meanwell, athletic director; Assistant Football Coach 'Art Mansfield, and several members of the football squad were called before the board to present evidence concerning the "situation." The board then retired to debate the nature of its recommendation, if any, which will be presented to the regents today. Dr.

Meanwell was understood to have again denied that he instigated circulation of the petition by John Golemgeske, captain-elect of the '36 football team, asking for removal of Dr. Clarence Spears as head football coach. Dr. Glenn Frank, president of the university, said: "We are going over the whole situation. I am not prepared to say whether we will make a recommendation to the regents." Meanwhile the "situation" was kept alive when it was revealed Don Murry, Wisconsin tackle in 1922.

and later a star with the Chicago Bears' professional team, had applied for job for 1937. CO. Phone 2883 you the drama, music the world affords that's when you give a Philco- performance 'and value! gives you the automatic Built-in Aerial Tun-. ing System an amazing new inven-. tion which doubles the foreign stations you can get and enjoy! See it -hear ittry it! YOUR OLD RADIO Wolf, Pueblo, baldi, Italy, 8 and St.

Philco 640X -Covers Every Known Broadcast Service With All- Aerial Wave Philco YOU CAN OWN With A NEW 1936 PHILCO for as little as Day 8 A 1.

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