[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (2024)

Lord Windos

[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (2)

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05-15-2024, 08:36 AM

(05-12-2024, 10:00 AM)Redstone Wrote: His visage remains calm and focused despite internally freaking out about Lani's feat. The poor girl gave it her all, maybe a bit too much. He could use this to his advantage though!He sits up straight and speaks out with all the authority he can muster:

''Leave, leave now and do not return. Fighting is futile, you can see what happened to your group with just one of my pokemon and it won't be pretty if this continues.''

He would still take precautions. ''Nalu use Wide Guard.'' (acc 3dex + 3fight + 5 channel - 2act= 9d6) With these words he jumps down besides Kayla. He recalls Lani to the safety of her ball and points to the last goon who was fighting her (should he still be ready to throw down). ''Kayla, High horsepower! (on that guy's pokemon). (acc 3dex + 3fight +5brawl +1horse bonus -2act = 10d6; damage 3str + 4 = 7d6)

The remaining Goon doesn't have any Pokemon out - Lani made sure of that. The only reason they were still conscious was her prioritizing other targets to be more 'forceful' with and overexertion taking its toll at the end of her Dragonic Fighting Blitz Frenzy. Not that he's in much of a condition to appreciate it all that much, between still getting well and truly clobbered and finding themselves being stared down by a Pseudo that was half dead and very nearly frothing blood, yet still has MORE than plenty of Fight left in them. His resolve was a fleeting thing, despite his small moment of bravado; a little more pressure, and he'd break too.

*Rolling Intimidation + ???....*

Which you immediately (if somewhat unintentionally) put the Pressure and Gear Grind on them: your cool, almost unnatural and most definitely eerie calm acceptance and expectation over this conflict, that this utter Thrashing yourshimmering drake unleashedwasnothing more than a mere outlet of whimsy and annoyance on your part atyour 'game' being discovered too early. The fallen goon stared at you with trembling eyes as you spoke, your tone and air causing him to scramble back and away until he manage to stumble onto his legs and feet and just ran, only barely having the mind to recall his Mon before that. They ran far, ran fast, ran ran ran away from YOU. Everyone else....they paled even further, somehow, cringing away from you frightfully like a spooked group of Bunaries , readying to abandon all sense of comradery and mob mentality and escape like scared, Wild Mons from the most Fae Trainer lording over them....

Scared Goon 1 has Fled the Area; 4 BBs Remain + The Harassing Goons and The Head Goon. The remaining Basic Goons are Scared Stiff - they're not going to act against you unless force, and are liable to Run Away at the first reason given.

The Head Goon.....he bore his teeth like a enraged ghoul as he glared at you wildly, almost crazed with rage over this f*cking indignity you force upon themthe very real fear his traitorous heart held, and fresh spite and vitroil of you ruining EVERYTHING planned for this outing of theres. He held that look for a few more seconds before he spun around to both H.BBs - who seemed almost detatched from reality at this point - and slugged them hard enough to send them past Dreamland and straight towards Faint Downings, causing a cascade of blood, teeth, and broken teeth fragments to spew out from the pair as they were laid out. Your eyes find themselves trained on the Head Goon's hands, now noticingthe thick barbed chains acting as cruel knuckledusters and the modest yet muscular build he had. Fashion-wise he looked like a yakuza from tv had gone for a Kanto Punk and Sporty look to them, and they were completely bald.

"....You absolute pieces of f*ckING Alchemie excrement and Krookidile PISS FOR BRAINS," he growls, first at the BBs he KOed, and then at you as he pivoted to glare at you once more.

"They just HAD to f*ck up not only one of the simplest jobs I could give them - so easy a retardedTorchic with two left feet could do it! - they HAD to get a self righteous twink of afreak like you packing MOTHERf*ckING BLOODTHIRSTY PSEUDOs and a GOD DAMN WARHORSE on their tail like Stink on Skuntank sh*t. Right as our fair city got Sucker Punched by Ghost Terrorist scum. What a f*cking f*ck UP of a f*ck full of f*cks day."

He grits his teeth as he pulled out some kind of Orb from his pocket, which you could hear audibly *CRACK* as he seemed to restraint himself from following the example of his goons, looking one burst blood vessel away from escalating the situation beyond mere violence.

"I don't know who you are, but I WILL find out. I WILL tell my Big Brother about this.When I do....you'll learn why NO ONE f*ckS WITH THE BREAKNECK BOYS!!!"

He gives you a downright nasty grin, so foul you can almost imagine Dark energy radiating outward from it, promises of unspeakable Pain in your future plain to see.

"Enjoy your f*cking cheat of a victory, 'cause you'll get your ownunfair share of suffering."


The Head Goon shatters the Orb with a single flex of his hand, and with in a EXPLOSION of dark black smoke filled the gathering area. Completely blindsided, you can only hear the panicked shots of BBs and the howling, enraged laughter from their boss for a long moment as you tried to get your bearings. By the time you did so the smoke had cleared out, and so too did the remaining BBs that were still able to get gone. All that remained were the KOed/Fainted from FEAR BBs and their partners guarding them, as well as the table of weapons and various miscellaneous things scattered about.

....And it was at this time Ecclesia finally made it to the now post battle scene, a Fainted BB held in her mouth for a moment before she threw them right before you and Kayla. Your deep sea drake looked banged up (- 5 HP), but otherwise fine and still capable of demolishing any other fool that dare cross her. She looked around the around for a moment, a little disappointed that she missed most of the fun, before looking back to you with an expectant look. The job was done, and for all the mess it was she expects some good compensation for the trouble, hmpt!

Laninow that the gang fight was over and the adrenaline fading fast, fully slumped over on the grass, looking fairly miserable from going well beyond her limits. From the bloody grin she was sporting, however, you knew she didn't regret a single thing.

Akamu, Nalu, and Kaylaget a total pool of10 XP; divide that amount between your PC and your Mons however you like.Lani gets 3+ 2 XPthat due to Pseudo Mods and it being a 'good workout', and Ecclesia gets 5 XP for her part. Loot depends on how you go about finding/taking it, as does what happens to the abandoned BBsnow at your complete mercy.

Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (4) Phantom is my OTP~ [Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (5)

Online ID: 000650



Lord Windos

[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (7)

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(05-15-2024, 08:08 AM)Dragonstrike Wrote: After Sylvia passed this information to Seddi, he appears troubled by the news.

"Commonly used or not, what this Murkrow is describing definitely sounds like magic of some variety."

He'll have one followup question for the Murkrow. The bird would have probably mentioned this already if they had seen anything of the sort, but more clarification never hurts.

"Hmmmm...wrapped in bandages, long flowing robes...a simple question for you, fine Murkrow: did you see anything shiny on the culprit's person? Particularly on their hand. Or did it look like the bandages and robes might have been hiding such gleams? If they were making clanking sounds, there must have been a lot of metal on them."

Translation: "Mrrrr, did I not say no more, yet more you ask of this dreaded, Cursed badness afoul?! No more, I say once more, no more! .....But yes, saw Shinny Metal on them. Hands, Fingers, tinky tack, and peeks of metal shoes and leggings too, ooh! Layered in cloth, layered in metal, enshrouded by both, caw!"

Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (9) Phantom is my OTP~ [Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (10)

Online ID: 000650




Schooled by dem Dragons
[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (13)

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05-15-2024, 09:33 AM

(05-15-2024, 08:42 AM)LordWindos Wrote: Translation: "Mrrrr, did I not say no more, yet more you ask of this dreaded, Cursed badness afoul?! No more, I say once more, no more! .....But yes, saw Shinny Metal on them. Hands, Fingers, tinky tack, and peeks of metal shoes and leggings too, ooh! Layered in cloth, layered in metal, enshrouded by both, caw!"

"You need not worry about more questions from me. I think that gives me a good idea of what to keep an eye out for. You've been an immense help, Murkrow. Thank you for your time."

Seddi will turn to Sylvia. "I'm going to go inform the guy in charge about what we've learned so far. I'll meet you inside the Center for further investigation of the scenewhen you've finished your business with Murkrow. The more info we can get about what happened here, the better."

Seddi's next stop: updating Dodger! Maybe this info dump will get the man out of the time wasting bureaucratic nonsense and they'll actually be able to get something done.




[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (15)

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[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (16)

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05-15-2024, 11:06 AM

"Have you noticed any signs of chaos above? Dangers? This beach might be in trouble. If you like, I could take you travelling with me - you could always come back later."

Current project:
TabletopRPG PokeRole:http://pokemonuranium.co/forum/showthread.php?tid=789
"I encourage Sceptile to branch out."




[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (18)

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[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (19)

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05-15-2024, 11:17 AM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2024, 11:21 AM by Redstone.)

(05-15-2024, 08:36 AM)LordWindos Wrote:


Akamu, Nalu, and Kaylaget a total pool of10 XP; divide that amount between your PC and your Mons however you like.Lani gets 3+ 2 XPthat due to Pseudo Mods and it being a 'good workout', and Ecclesia gets 5 XP for her part. Loot depends on how you go about finding/taking it, as does what happens to the abandoned BBsnow at your complete mercy.

(4 exp goes to Kayla 6 to Akamu)

Immediately he returns Lani to her ball, he'd have a talk with her after a visit to the next center. Afterwards he calls the police officer that instucted him, telling him to bring some backup *and some medicinal help*. Some of these guys look really bad.

''Good job guys, I'm proud of you. After this is done we'll get some fancy food for your troubles and a pokemon center I hope.'' some pets are given out to the crew.

While waiting he'd walk around the place and check for any shiny/valuable things thrown about with

Nalu to put into his pockets, making sure to keep his respectfull distance to those who were still guarded by their partners. Kayla is instructed to ''guard'' the table (by standing there and grazing probably).

He'd send a text to Seddi as well:

Just cleared the place out and theres interesting news. There's more to this gang then meets the eye. The looks to be leader of these 'Breakneck Boys' and the last few goons escaped with a dark smoke bomb and alluded to a different branch led by his big brother. If you're interested I can give you some more details next time we meet.




[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (21)

(Self-titled Jankmaster)
[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (22)

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05-15-2024, 02:57 PM

(05-15-2024, 07:26 AM)LordWindos Wrote: In the interest of time, I'll give a brief overview of what Murkrow has to say about the Mass Kidnapping:

- They claim to have seen someone just appear out of thin air off to the side of the building. Strangely so - it did not show the tell tell signs of a traditional Teleportation, but rather they simply blurred into the place they were in with a weird glow around them for a second.
- The person was clad in 'tall flowing cloths, Mummy wrapped, clinkty clank!' from what they described them, and didn't seem to visibly carrying any Pokemon or using their Special Power like a Magi would from their discerning eye. One thing they noted that was REALLY Strange, though, as that their Eyes was completely covered up by dark grey cloth, but they could move around as if they had them wide open.
- The mysterious individual turned and gave them asmile and a bow before making a *Sssshing* motion, and then entered into the Center. This creeped them out BIG TIME, as is part of the reason why they didn't want to speak about it - they're afraid the 'Conceal Clanky Clothy' would find out and do something about it.
- Last but certainly not least, they describe that almost a minuteafter they entered a wave of something appeared, flowing outwards from the center and suffocating the area in a blanket of unnatural silence and 'avoidance' , as if some force was 'Keeping the Healing Place quiet and welcoming as Mourning Grave, hrk....' . This seemingly kept the public from the Pokemon Center while whatever nefarious forces were at play ransacking the place and people - the only reason they weren't affected was sheer curiosity and their earlier dread rooting them to the branch as a witness. It eventually cleared up, and it was around that time that people 'returned' to the Center and discovered the horrible crime that took place. The rest, as they say, is history....

By the end the bejeweled raven looked extremely uncomfortable, flexing their talons anxiously around the branch they were hanging looking this way and that, as if they were expecting that very person to jump out to punish them for speaking.

"Mrrrrr....no more speak of this or that, no nay not! Strange, Weird, Bad, all never seen and never should have been sawn and sought! Magic, Earth Power, StarlightI know not, but know this I do: its core isOtherness Stifling All...."

Other than relaying this information to Seddi, Sylvia has very little to add. She thinks she’s waaay in over her head… but she’s curious,she might be able to help, and either way Seddi and his partners may be able to assist her… once this is sorted out, of course.

(05-15-2024, 09:33 AM)Dragonstrike Wrote: Seddi will turn to Sylvia. "I'm going to go inform the guy in charge about what we've learned so far. I'll meet you inside the Center for further investigation of the scenewhen you've finished your business with Murkrow. The more info we can get about what happened here, the better."

Sylvia will simply nod to Seddi. She’ll be inside in a moment. First,though, she has an idea…
”Espeon… esp esp, peon. Espeon esp peon esp? Espeon espeon espy peon esp. Espeon? Esp.”
(Murkrow… this may be a weird boon to ask, and I leave it to you to accept or decline. Would you join my team? I can offer some small measure of protection, and strength training beside. What do you think? Your strengthswould be greatly appreciated.)

Just a lil' Eevee, learning to draw...

Check my "About Me" for more info!




[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (24)

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[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (25)

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05-16-2024, 08:43 AM

@Lord Windos, if it's not too late yet for a little edit of my Actions to Mr Gleam fainting, can I recton them to Bernhard cooling the Air around him via Zephy's Ice Shard/Ice Typing and faning him some air please? Not with the intent to outright try to wake him up (not yet), but as means of First Aid, his safety and to show some empathy. Bernhard's quite stoic and no-nonsense but not heartless!)

"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]
--Windos is my OTP ❤---
`❤★`°・:*:・。[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (26)。・:*:・゚’★❤`


[Game Thread] Lord Windos’ PokeRole Adventure 2: The Wild Lands (2024)
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