Microcement Bathroom Floor: Everything You Need To Know About This Trend (2024)

Are you seeking materials for your bathroom that are adaptable and durable? Bathroom microcement is a popular trend that might be just what you’re looking for. All over the world, interior designers are starting to favor microcement as a trend. It is a very attractive prospect for the bathroom due to its variety of finish options, toughness, and high performance.

Read on to learn further about this compound and its various bathroom applications.

What is Microcement?

Microcement is a substance that combines cement with resins, fibers, additional aggregates, and polymers. It comes in a variety of finishes, including matte and glossy, textured, and fully polished, and can be tinted to print the desired color. Microcement is a trendsetter wherever it is used as flooring, walls as well as cladding housewares, and as a substance for bathroom essentials.

Benefits Of Using Microcement in Bathrooms

The advantages of baths with microcement on the walls, floors, or in the fixtures and furniture are numerous. Here are just a few examples:

  • You won’t have to take out the tiles from an existing tiled bathroom. You won’t need to perform any renovation to add microcement because you can apply it on top of the existing floors.
  • Despite being porous, microcement can be made waterproof by using the right sealer. As a result, you can cover any bathroom component without worrying about leaks.
  • Thanks to modern technology, water repellents can be added on top of microcement finishes to avoid water penetration and to enhance the aesthetics by stopping stains resulting from drying water drops.
  • Microcement is the perfect material for coating bathtubs and showers because, when treated correctly, it may have non-slip qualities.
  • It is a strong substance that may be applied to any surface. You could even use the same material to cover the whole bathroom if you want.
  • It is incredibly simple to clean because of its resilient surface and beautiful, polished finish.

Five Suggestions For Using Microcement In Bathrooms

Microcement may be used in a variety of settings, including restrooms. We can provide you with many of the most intriguing suggestions for creating a bathroom straight out of a brochure.

1. Use microcement to enhance your bathing area.

Microcement tubs and showers are increasingly being produced, and this trend has been going on for a while. This trend has picked up primarily because microcement is a cosmetic coating that requires little care and is simple to clean, apart from offering attractive looks.

Moreover, due to the fact that this cutting-edge coating may be used to produce anti-slip surfaces, preventing those perilous slips that we have all experienced at some point of time in our lives. The additional sealant may provide a waterproof surface and also prevent the growth of fungi or harmful bacteria that thrive in standing water.

2. Cover your bathroom sink and countertop with microcement.

The countertop and bathroom basin, two components that are continuously subjected to water, are ideal candidates for microcement coverage due to their waterproofing. Diverse designs for worktops and bathroom sinks are possible because of the many varieties of microcement colors. However, when remodeling a bathroom, white and gray continue to be the most common choices.

3. Bathroom shelves made of microcement.

In the bathroom, organization and storage are crucial. The modest size of the restroom in question may sometimes be a genuine pain. Therefore, making the most of available space is crucial.

No matter the size, choosing a bathroom shelf made of microcement is a smart choice since it not only enables you to store towels and other hygiene products, but also helps to give the area a feeling of coherence. Furthermore, because of its versatility, you may design any form of bathroom element out of microcement, not only shelves.

4. Microcement bathroom floors and walls for diverse advantages.

Bathrooms would not be an exception to the most common use of microcement. One of the popular solutions is to use microcement to cover the bathroom floors and walls. Since microcement bathroom floors have the potential to be non-slip as well as appealing at the same time, it is an excellent choice.

As you can see, microcement in bathrooms has a lot of possibilities. Architects, interior designers, and other building industry experts have fallen in love with it because of these qualities.

5. Microcement sinks.

Owing to its minimal maintenance requirements, usefulness, design, and contemporary aesthetics, building a wash basin is one of the best ideas for using microcement in bathrooms. Regardless of the cement’s color, the finished product will be highly appealing, smooth, and pleasant to the touch.


Microcement is undoubtedly an appealing element for your bathroom. If you find yourself following this trend, one thing to consider is the color of the bathroom’s microcement. Although the substance itself and microcement bathroom floors come in a variety of hues, white, gray and beige are the most popular especially due to their adaptability.

If the contemporary, well-lit, and spotless bathroom is made of white microcement, it is not just durable and pleasing to look at. The hue gives the space a sensation of openness, particularly if it is used for the whole cladding, including the walls and flooring.

The bathroom is given a rustic look by using beige and other lighter tones of brown. They provide a nice ambiance that is perfect for bathrooms where continuity, simplicity, and warmth are desired.

We, at Duphill, can assist you every step of the way. Get in touch with us now!

Microcement Bathroom Floor: Everything You Need To Know About This Trend (2024)
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