What Is a Sales Funnel and How Does It Work? (2024)

What Is a Sales Funnel and How Does It Work? (1)

8 Min Read

When visualizing your buyer’s journey from prospect to actual customer, a conceptual framework can help you understand how to interact with them at different points of their journey. That’s where the model of the sales funnel comes in.

What Is aSales Funnel?

A sales funnel — broad on top, narrow at the bottom — represents how your broad pool of potential customers narrows to a few actual conversions.

There’s natural attrition, of course, as sales leads filter down. But by visualizing the sales funnel and its stages, your task of maximizing conversions and inspecting each stage for “leaks” is that much easier.

Sales Funnel vs. Marketing Funnel

There are subtle differences between sales and marketing funnels.

The marketing funnel typically precedes the sales funnel and focuses on building awareness and interest in the product or brand. The sales funnel is the buying journey, starting from that initial awareness to becoming a customer. Before entering the sales funnel, a potential buyer may be designated a marketing-qualified lead or MQL.

MQLs are potential customers who have interacted with your brand in some capacity, perhaps by clicking on a banner ad or reading some of your materials. When they’re interested enough to talk to your team about your products or are seriously considering a purchase, they become sales-qualified leads or SQLs. That means they’re worth your sales team’s attention.

Benefits of a Sales Funnel

There are numerous benefits of sales funnels:

  • They’re a better way for you to visualize your customer’s journey.
  • They streamline the process of a sales lead’s interaction with your brand.
  • They show you where you’re losing customers, allowing you to fix leaks between stages.
  • They allow you to focus your efforts on sales leads who are worth your resources.
  • They help you to forecast your sales volumes and focus on your goals.

5 Stages of Sales Funnels

How is a sales funnel structured? There are five sales funnel stages, from abstract interest at the top of the funnel to action and engagement at the bottom.


During the awareness phase (top-of-funnel), your customer may be curious about switching coffee brands, for example, and is doing some research — a little web searching and visiting some recommended sites and blogs.

This is your chance to let customers know who you are and what you stand for, which you could do via social media, YouTube, or Connected TV (CTV) ads. When planning these advertisem*nts,prioritize authority and quality.

Interest and Evaluation

During this phase (middle of funnel), your potential customer’s interest is solidifying. They’re committing to the idea of a new coffee brand and are perhaps weighing up different brands, including yours. Maybe they’ve signed up for an email newsletter or are actively engaging with your site. Help firm up your presence in their mind with informative blogs and videos that subtly push the benefits of your coffee — for example, “Did You Know? Not All Coffees Are Created Equal.”


In this stage, your product has become one of a few final choices. Video testimonials can help sway consumers, providing “social proof” that they’re making a smart choice.


Your consumer is about to buy (bottom of funnel). But even if they have your coffee beans in their cart, they may still walk away and forget about it. A special offer or discount can encourage them to follow through with the purchase.

  • Learn More: What Is a Conversion Funnel? Ecommerce Funnel Explained

Loyalty and Re-engagement

Ideally, you want to build an ongoing relationship with your customers. That means offering inducements to keep them coming back, by providing good customer service and sending friendly follow-up emails, for example.

How to Build a Sales Funnel

Funnel building may sound complicated, but the steps you can take to build a functional and effective sales funnel are simple.

Define Your Target Audience

Create an “ideal buyer” character or persona based on data and demographics for your product, including their age, gender, education level, geographic location, and so on.

You can define multiple specific audiences, and then target each separately. The more data you have, the more accurate your target audience will be; but if you’re just starting, you can guesstimate your target audiences by modeling them on those ofyour competitors.

Create a Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is something you offer prospective buyers in exchange for their contact information. It could be something as simple as a discount or something you create, such as an e-book or informative webinar. Your product and your target audience will dictate the kind of lead magnet you use.

Create a Landing Page

The landing page is the page prospects arrive at after clicking on your ad, email, or video link. It’s distinct from your homepage and has to be enticing, so make sure yours is unique and attractive.

Nurture Leads Through Email

It’s up to you to create an ongoing relationship with your leads through content that’s funny, appealing, and shareable. When you’re considering your strategy here, remember that emails containing videos can increase your click-through rate by 200-300%.

Create an Appealing Offer

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink — you can, however, make the water look fresh, crisp, and thirst-quenching. So make sure your offer addresses a genuine customer pain point and is clear, well-priced, and attractive.

Create a Sales Page

A sales page is designed purely to sell your product: it clearly sets out the product’s benefits and how it will solve the potential customer’s problem. When designing your sales page, think about how to make yours stand out — what would make you pull the trigger on a purchase?

Set up an Order Form

Order forms should be simple, clear, and frictionless. Make sure yours is as straightforward as possible; for example, customers shouldn’t have to enter the same information multiple times.

Create a Post-Purchase Sequence

Your customer’s journey doesn’t end with the purchase. Reliable tracking emails, offers, and helpful tips on using the product all help create an ongoing sense of the relationship between your brand and your customer.

Continually Test and Optimize

Even if you’re a small business, you can always improve, whether by making your videos more compelling or by strengthening your sales funnel. That doesn’t mean you need to overspend; keep things efficient so you can always pivot and tweak.

How to Optimize a Sales Funnel

Once you’ve built your sales funnel, the next step is funnel optimization. Here’s how to do it:

Analyze Your Existing Sales Funnel

Using your site data, you can see where you’re losing sales leads and where you need to tweak your strategy or reallocate resources.

Set Specific Goals and KPIs

You can’t improve your sales funnel if your goals aren’t measurable. There are many ecommerce key performance indicators (KPIs) that can help you quantify success. One such KPI is your click-through rate, whichmeasures how many people are actually clicking on your ads.

Split Test Lead Magnets and Landing Pages

You can conduct real-time experiments by testing two or more different lead magnets and landing pages to see which one gets more clicks. This is very helpful if you don’t already have a lot of data to analyze.

Refine Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Just as you can retarget consumers with CTV, you can constantly refine your messaging and tone.

Split Test Different Sales Pages

Try different sales pages to see if your audience responds more to maximalist or minimalist design approaches.

Streamline Your Checkout Process

If your customer gets frustrated, they may question how much they really need your item.Make sure that doesn’t happen! The fewer clicks to purchase, the more likely a potential customer is to convert.

Test Different Post-Purchase Sequences

Make sure you’re not bombarding your customers with surveys and offers they don’t want . You want your communications to be amusing, informative, and useful. Leading with emotion always helps.

Sales Funnel Examples

Different industries have slightlydifferent approaches to what a sales funnel is. For example, software-as-a-service (SaaS) funnels may involve more product demos than most ecommerce funnels. Other sales funnel examples include:

  • The lead magnet funnel, which starts with offering a webinar or white paper (for example) to attract customers.
  • The tripwire funnel, which starts by offering a product at a deep discount.
  • The product launch funnel, which builds anticipation by touting an upcoming product’s debut.

There are many others, but they all play on the basic five-step structure.

Measuring Sales Funnel Success

Sales funnels are ultimately defined by the sales conversion rate. If your sales funnel isn’t driving conversions, you’ll need to rethink your approach. But conversions aren’t the only KPI that matter —you might have others you want to use to measure your success. These may include lead generation and lead attrition (awareness), blog post or video views (desire), and number of positive reviews and customer lifetime value (retention).

How CTV Advertising Can Keep Your Funnel Full

Connected TV (CTV) advertising has transformed TV advertising to encompass the full funnel. Previously, linear TV was used for top-of-the-funnel brand awareness. By adding in the digital foundation of data, CTV allows advertisers to not only reach prospective clients but retarget those that show interest and even measure the bottom-of-the-funnel conversions that result from CTV ad campaigns.

CTV advertising partners like MNTN allow advertisers to easily set up, measure, and manage their CTV initiatives. MNTN’s Performance TV platform allows advertisers to set their key KPI; then the system works to optimize for this key metric so marketers can spend more time streamlining their sales funnel.

Sales Funnels: Final Thoughts

So what is a sales funnel? When used correctly, it’s an effective way of understanding your customers and their buying journey so you can effectively guide prospective buyers to purchase your product.

With the right partner, like MNTN, that can be an enjoyable, creative, and tech-enabled endeavor — one that gets you the results you want.

Sign Up for the Connected TV Report

Subscribe to the report Apple, Amazon, NBC and more use to get their CTV news.

What Is a Sales Funnel and How Does It Work? (2024)


What Is a Sales Funnel and How Does It Work? ›

A sales funnel is the process prospects go through to become a customer. Each stage of the funnel takes the buyer one step closer to making a purchase. A well-planned sales funnel will define the actions your business needs to take to push prospects to the next stage.

How does the sales funnel work? ›

Each stage of the funnel pushes your qualified prospects into the next stage and drops those who don't fit your offer. A sales funnel is connected to the customer journey phases, which cover all the steps your customers take to purchase your product (a detailed process from your customer's point of view).

What is an example of a sales funnel? ›

In this example, the user can start a free 15-day trial of the platform or book a demo to see the platform in action. If prospects sign up for a demo, they are now in HelpScout's sales funnel. From here, HelpScout can utilize an email marketing service to send the prospect information before their scheduled demo.

What is a sales funnel for dummies? ›

It is a visual representation of a customer's steps to make a purchase. A dummy sales funnel aims to help you understand the customer journey and identify areas where you can improve your marketing and sales efforts. A dummy sales funnel typically consists of four stages: Awareness, Interest, Decision, and Action.

What is the primary purpose of a sales funnel? ›

A sales funnel helps you understand what potential customers are thinking and doing at each stage of the purchasing journey. These insights allow you to invest in the right marketing activities and channels, create the most relevant messaging during each stage and turn more prospects into paying customers.

Do I really need a sales funnel? ›

Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, you need a sales funnel to make money. Every company has a different sales process, but there are generally four stages to a sales funnel. The first stage is awareness, where you make potential customers aware of your product or service.

Is a sales funnel a CRM? ›

The funnel CRM or customer relationship management funnel is an instinctive and accommodative lead capture and CRM tool made to help freelancers and small businesses create and manage their leads, build up their customer base and boost their business.

What is the first step in sales funneling? ›


A sales funnel starts when someone first becomes aware of your company, product or service. The stage is the widest portion of the funnel. This may be the first time they visit your website, read your social media post or hear about you from another customer or follower.

Why is it called a sales funnel? ›

A sales funnel is the step-by-step process that a prospect follows to become your customer. It's called a funnel because the process begins with a large number of prospects at the top who are aware of your business and its products or services.

What are the disadvantages of a sales funnel? ›

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to using a sales funnel. One of the main criticisms is that it can be too rigid and inflexible. By forcing customers into a predefined path, businesses may miss out on opportunities to engage with customers in a more organic way.

How do I learn sales funnel? ›

How to Create a Sales Funnel
  1. Define the problem you want to solve for your customers.
  2. Define your goals.
  3. Create a preliminary offer to generate leads.
  4. Qualify leads to confirm interest in the product.
  5. Nurture your qualified leads.
  6. Close the deal.
  7. Track the final results and analyze sales data.
Jun 28, 2024

How do you calculate sales funnel? ›

How to Measure and Calculate Sales Funnel Conversion Rates. The sales funnel conversion rate formula is the same regardless of which stages you're measuring — number of contacts in the later stage of the funnel divided by number of contacts in the earlier stage, all multiplied by 100.

What does a sales funnel look like? ›

The basic structure of any sales funnel includes three main levels: the top, middle and bottom. Each level is usually broken up into sublevels as well. All sales funnels will begin with awareness, the stage at which potential customers need to first become aware of your product or service.

How much does a sales funnel cost? ›

The cost of setting up a sales funnel can range from $19 to $499 per month, depending on the type of funnel builder tool you choose to use. In this article, we will explore the factors that influence the pricing of sales funnels and provide guidance on selecting the appropriate tools for creating your funnel.

What makes a successful sales funnel? ›

Good sales funnels guide prospects toward a purchase by capturing their attention, nurturing their interest, and ultimately closing the deal. When all goes well, sales funnels also set you up for good reviews and repeat customers.

What are the seven 7 steps in the sales process funnel? ›

The 7-step sales process
  • Prospecting.
  • Preparation.
  • Approach.
  • Presentation.
  • Handling objections.
  • Closing.
  • Follow-up.

What is the sales funnel rule? ›

The sales funnel follows a much more customer-centric journey, outlined by at least four high-level stages: Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action (or AIDA). These stages occur before a potential customer is even identified as a lead.

What is the strategy of sales funnel? ›

A sales funnel consists of multiple steps, and is usually separated into the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel. The steps vary depending on a company's sales strategy. The point of a sales funnel is to minimize lost sales by organizing the buyer journey. At the top of the funnel, there are many potential buyers.

What is the structure of a sales funnel? ›

Awareness/Attention, Interest, Desire/Decision and Action, or AIDA, describe the four stages that make up any sales funnel. Awareness—also called attention—is the stage your targeted customers first learn about your product. Interest describes the moment a customer becomes interested in or aware of your product.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.