Whiskeytown Camera (2025)

1. Webcams - Whiskeytown - National Park Service

  • 5 jun 2024 · Webcam Whiskeytown Visitor Center. This camera is located on the roof of the park visitor center and looks west over Whiskeytown Lake.

  • Last updated: June 5, 2024

2. Whiskeytown Visitor Center Webcam (U.S. National Park Service)

  • This camera is located on the roof of the park visitor center and looks west over Whiskeytown Lake. Status. Active. Refresh.

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3. Whiskeytown Lake Webcam

  • CURRENT WHISKEYTOWN LAKE WIND/WEATHER. LIVE WHISKEYTOWN LAKE WEBCAM ​. Image will refresh every 20 seconds. Current local time in. Redding, United States.

  • Image will refresh every 20 seconds

Whiskeytown Lake Webcam

4. Whiskeytown, CA Live Traffic Cameras & Local Road Conditions

Whiskeytown, CA Live Traffic Cameras & Local Road Conditions

5. Whiskeytown National Recreation Area Visitor Center

  • "This camera is located on the roof of the park visitor center and looks west over Whiskeytown Lake. Made possible, in part, by Whiskeytown Sailing Club, ...

  • Image from National Park Service Web Camera Database - Montana State University (MSU) Library

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area Visitor Center

6. Whiskeytown National Recreation Area Visitor Center - Webcams

  • Whiskeytown National Recreation Area Visitor Center - Weather forecast for 10 days, information from meteorological stations, webcams, sunrise and sunset, ...

  • Whiskeytown National Recreation Area Visitor Center - Weather forecast for 10 days, information from meteorological stations, webcams, sunrise and sunset, wind and precipitation maps for this place

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area Visitor Center - Webcams

7. Whiskeytown Lake Webcam - NORTHERN CALIFORNIA - See Cam

  • Whiskeytown Lake Webcam Image. Provided by: National Park Service. What do you see? Cam Issues? View our FAQ's page for troubleshooting.

  • Travel Webcams > NORTHERN CALIFORNIA > Whiskeytown Lake Webcam

Whiskeytown Lake Webcam - NORTHERN CALIFORNIA - See Cam

8. Whiskeytown, CA Live Local Weather Cameras & Webcams - WeatherBug

  • See the weather in Whiskeytown, CA with the help of our local weather cameras. Explore local weather webcams throughout the city of Whiskeytown today!

Whiskeytown, CA Live Local Weather Cameras & Webcams - WeatherBug

9. Web Cameras at Whiskeytown Lake

  • Web Cameras at Whiskeytown Lake. There are no cameras at Whiskeytown Lake. If you know of some, contact us about them. Implement a lake web cam of your own

  • Links to local web cams at Whiskeytown Lake

Web Cameras at Whiskeytown Lake

10. Wind and weather webcams Whiskeytown Lake - Windfinder.com

  • You can view all wind and weather webcams as well as live cams nearby Whiskeytown Lake on the above map. Click on an image to see large webcam images.

  • Windfinder.com - Wind & weather webcams Whiskeytown Lake for kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing and sailing

Wind and weather webcams Whiskeytown Lake - Windfinder.com

11. Whiskeytown Lake - .

  • Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Get Started. Whiskeytown Lake · Whiskeytown Lake Webcam · Kayak Tours · Camping ...

  • whiskeytown lake website

Whiskeytown Lake - .

12. Whiskeytown National Recreation Area Visitor Center - Веб-камеры

  • Whiskeytown National Recreation Area Visitor Center - Прогноз. Поставщик, nps.gov from arc.lib.montana.edu · Add webcam Report a problem. Вчера & Сегодня.

  • Whiskeytown National Recreation Area Visitor Center - прогноз погоды на 10 дней, информация с метеорологических станций, кадры веб-камер, восход и закат солнца, карты ветров и осадков для конкретной местности

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area Visitor Center - Веб-камеры

13. Mesocarnivore Survey of Whiskeytown National Recreation ...

  • 6 jul 2024 · Camera locations were chosen based on the Klamath Monitoring Network vegetation plots. The dataset contains all species observed within the ...

  • Remote camera stations were set up in Whiskeytown National Recreation Area from October 2018 to January 2019 to document occurrence of mesocarnivores and other wildlife. Forty-...

Mesocarnivore Survey of Whiskeytown National Recreation ...

14. Whiskeytown Lake | Facebook

  • Live Cam: http://www.whiskeytowncam.com Whiskeytown Lake is a lake in Shasta County in northwestern California, about 8 miles (13 km) west of Redding.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

Whiskeytown Camera (2025)


Can you swim at Whiskeytown Lake? ›

Most visitors to Whiskeytown come for its cool, clear waters. Swimming, wading, and scuba diving takes place along the shorelines or at one of the parks designated beaches. Beaches are located at Oak Bottom, Brandy Creek and East Beach.

Is Whiskeytown open? ›

The Visitor Center is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. An entrance pass is required to recreate at Whiskeytown.

What is the deepest part of Whiskeytown Lake? ›

Whiskeytown Lake: 264 feet

Its deepest point is near the dam, which plummets 264 feet to the bottom, Whiskeytown Superintendent Josh Hoines said.

Can you sleep on Whiskeytown Lake? ›

Whiskeytown Lake does not allow overnight stays at the lake to anchor. Your vessel must be moving there is no 24 hr parking allowed at Oak Bottom Marina or Brandy Creek Marina.

Can you have alcohol on Whiskeytown Lake? ›

Can you drink alcohol at Whiskeytown? As the naming of our park suggests, yes, you can - but it's all about location... Consuming alcohol is not permitted at Brandy Creek Beach, Oak Bottom Beach, East Beach, and Whiskey Creek Group Picnic Area Beach.

Is there a town under Whiskeytown Lake? ›

Construction was finished on Whiskeytown Dam in 1963, submerging much of the original town under the reservoir and prompting the moving or demolition of many structures and even the Whiskeytown Cemetery. When water levels are low enough, the foundation of some original buildings is still visible.

Is Lake Shasta safe to swim in? ›

Shasta Lake is a clean, safe swimming spot. While there are no designated swim areas, you can always hop off your boat or simply swim out from shore.

What is the water temperature of Whiskeytown Lake? ›

Access the latest and most accurate water temperature data for Whiskeytown Lake. Currently the water temperature is 68º Fahrenheit. This page provides real-time updates and detailed insights into the water conditions of Whiskeytown Lake to help anglers succeed.

What is under Whiskeytown Lake? ›

In the Whiskeytown Reservoir near Redding, an old Gold Rush camp lies at the bottom of the lake. The town flooded in 1962 after the construction of the Whiskeytown Dam in 1960 and tourists can go scuba diving in the lake to explore the remains of the town. An entire steam engine was allegedly discovered.

Can dogs swim in Whiskeytown Lake? ›

Unlike most parks within the National Park System, leashed pets are allowed on trails and even in the water here. However, fur babies are not allowed on our official beaches - Brandy Creek Beach, Oak Bottom Beach, East Beach, and Whiskey Creek Group Picnic Area Beach.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.