How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (2024)

Last updated on Nov 23, 2023

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Choose the right software


Decide on the size and shape


Select the colors and fonts


Add your logo and information


Use images and icons

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Review and print


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A business card is a powerful marketing tool that can help you create a lasting impression on your potential clients, partners, or employers. But how can you design a business card that stands out from the crowd using graphic software? In this article, you will learn some tips and tricks to create a professional and eye-catching business card that reflects your brand identity and showcases your skills.

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  • Raghasyah Rama P M. Marketing Communications Officer |Sr.Graphic Designer | Crypto Enthusiast

    How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (3) 3

  • Pulkit Singhal Lead - Product Design @ BYJU'S | Design Theory, Creative Direction

    How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (5) 2

  • Matt Young Arizona Commercial Photographer @ Matt Young Photography

    How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (7) 1

How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (8) How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (9) How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (10)

1 Choose the right software

The first step to design a business card is to choose the right software for your needs. There are many graphic software options available, such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, CorelDraw, or Canva. Each software has its own features, advantages, and disadvantages, so you need to consider factors such as your budget, skill level, compatibility, and preferences. For example, Photoshop is great for editing images and adding effects, but Illustrator is better for creating vector graphics and logos. InDesign is ideal for layout and typography, but Canva is simpler and more user-friendly for beginners.

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  • Malon Murape Experienced Digital Marketing Specialist | Digital Mentor | Business Development Strategist | Multimedia Specialist | Content Creator | Photographer | Videographer | Graphic Designer

    Starting off with basic softwares such as Canva will help you get a feel of layout, text and brand colours so you avoid designing business cards that look like a Christmas tree.Corel Draw is perfect for designing for print, illustrator gives you more creative options and has a rich rgb colour scheme.

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2 Decide on the size and shape

The next step is to decide on the size and shape of your business card. The standard size for a business card is 3.5 x 2 inches, but you can also experiment with different dimensions, orientations, or shapes to make your card more unique and memorable. However, you need to keep in mind the printing costs, the readability, and the portability of your card. You don't want to create a card that is too big, too small, or too irregular that it won't fit in a wallet or a holder. You also need to leave some margins and bleeds around the edges of your card to avoid cutting off important information or design elements.

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  • Look, let's be honest: Business cards are relics from yesteryear, BUT they offer an opportunity to delight and inform –because they're unexpected at all.So while you're already going to delight and inform by just having a business card, why not go all in with a shape that leaves an impression?I like to think of business cards as "LinkedIn Tickets," like an Admit One to my profile and content. The big idea to consider with size is that it will make the best impression if the size used is still within the traditional footprint of 3.5x2 inches. That way, your card isn't awkward to carry away from the networking event or meeting.


    How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (27) 1

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  • Matt Young Arizona Commercial Photographer @ Matt Young Photography

    With all the networking events I attend, I think the business card still has it's place. I've encountered many who now have the digital card that you can tap with your phone and get there contact info immediately. Only problem with that is I might forget about that person immediately since it's already in my phone. Out of sight, out of mind. Having a physical business card helps me remember them, especially if it's a potential lead, and then throw it away after I follow up. Back to the topic, I like the traditional size as well. While I can appreciate someone having a non-traditional sized card to stick out, it's a little annoying when I can't put it in my business card case or my wallet.


    How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (36) 1

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3 Select the colors and fonts

The third step is to select the colors and fonts for your business card. The colors and fonts you choose should match your brand identity, your industry, and your personality. You should also consider the contrast, the harmony, and the psychology of the colors and fonts you use. For example, blue is a color that conveys trust, professionalism, and calmness, while red is a color that conveys passion, energy, and urgency. Similarly, serif fonts are more traditional, elegant, and formal, while sans serif fonts are more modern, clean, and casual. You should also limit the number of colors and fonts you use to avoid clutter and confusion.

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  • Raghasyah Rama P M. Marketing Communications Officer |Sr.Graphic Designer | Crypto Enthusiast

    A good business card will always have a good color combination and font that easy and grant a strong/unique impression when you see it.You need to keep it within your "brand" characteristic/style to make a good business card.So it will have more impact to people when receive or see it, rather than find it boring and forget about it later

  • Pulkit Singhal Lead - Product Design @ BYJU'S | Design Theory, Creative Direction

    The colors and fonts are the major players once it comes to a business card.From what I have seen, a good business card is one that the customer looks at before keeping it inside. If the card is unreadable or very clustered, it goes directly inside and is never opened because it never gets registered in the customers mind in the first place.There should be a good contrast between the base color and the text color, so that the basic information is clear. And keep one text throughout the card, which I believe shows consistency and is easier to be read.


    How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (54) 2

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4 Add your logo and information

The fourth step is to add your logo and information to your business card. Your logo is the most important element of your business card, as it represents your brand identity and helps you stand out from the competition. You should place your logo prominently and clearly on your card, and make sure it is consistent with your other marketing materials. Your information is the second most important element of your business card, as it tells your audience who you are and how to contact you. You should include your name, title, company name, phone number, email address, website, and social media handles. You should also prioritize the most relevant and essential information and avoid adding too much or too little information.

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  • Raghasyah Rama P M. Marketing Communications Officer |Sr.Graphic Designer | Crypto Enthusiast

    Logo is a must, but it doesn't always have to be the main logo, using logotype sometimes can make the card look more simple/elegant, well it's depends to what style your card in the first place anyway.As for the information factor,Put the most important thing only like your main contact number, main email, website and etc. Don't put all your numbers or all your email (if you have more than 1). Make sure the information is simple not to overwhelming or make people confused to which number/email that he/she should contact you.

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5 Use images and icons

The fifth step is to use images and icons to enhance your business card design. Images and icons can help you communicate your message, showcase your work, or add some personality to your card. However, you need to be careful not to overcrowd your card or distract from your logo and information. You should also use high-quality, relevant, and original images and icons that match your brand identity and style. You can use graphic software to edit, crop, resize, or adjust the images and icons you use, and make sure they are in the right format and resolution for printing.

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6 Review and print

The final step is to review and print your business card. You should check your business card for any errors, typos, or inconsistencies, and make sure it is aligned, balanced, and clear. You should also preview your business card on different devices and screens to see how it looks in different settings and lighting. You can also ask for feedback from your friends, colleagues, or clients to get their opinions and suggestions. Once you are satisfied with your business card design, you can print it using a professional printer or an online service. You should choose the best quality paper, ink, and finish for your card, and test a sample before printing a large quantity.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Go for an original design and find the balance between functional and aesthetically appealing by including your main contact points.If you think you did the best job possible and the final product is a high-quality one, then print in superior quality paper; if you’re planning for it to be thrown away, keep it simple instead.Keep a digital version as well for quickly connecting even without a printed card, or even for more creativity room.

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Graphics How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (71)


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How can you design a business card that stands out using graphic software? (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.